28 May 2008
27 May 2008
The Saddest day of my Life-RC 2007
We didn’t start crying until we were on the sports field for the last time, in uniform waiting to march on. Megan and I had kind of planned to go to the washroom before parade, so we did. We had lots of time so we didn’t hurry. We go, and then we saw Shepley and Racquet so we stopped and talked to them. (I had given notes out to the people who I thought would appreciate them) I had give one to both of them, and earlier Shepley had read it, didn’t expect it, and cried, which made me almost cry hearing it. So I asked Zack if he had read his, and he said yes, but when he said it, he looked down, swallowed, then blinked a couple of times, then was like,
“Yeah, I read it.”
I was like, “Oh no, he may start crying to and if he does, I’m gonna lose it.”
He almost did…like there were tears in his eyes then he was like, “I don’t wanna leave.”
We agreed with him then he mentioned Crackers. (Because Megan and Crackers had been dating for a couple of weeks now) then we talked for a little longer (like 20 seconds) then we talked away and started crying. Megan was like, “Man, I’m gonna miss then/him so much.” And I couldn’t believe that I had almost made Zack cry with my note.
We got back to our platoon and Udsen was like, “Are you guys crying already?”
And I said, “Oh, be quiet because I have a reason to cry.”
We formed back up, and then I think we were still crying when Shepley and Zack came back and Racquet finally started crying. Then Amanda started, but she had sunglasses on so you couldn’t really see it. Those guys started laughing at us, and then they noticed Amanda’s sunglasses and that she was crying but it wasn’t as noticeable. Then I mentioned that I wanted some too so I could hide the fact that I was bawling. So Irvine, Don handed me his glasses. I tried them on and I got Amanda laughing because I looked ridiculous so I took them off.
Sometime during this, Zack told us, or mumbled that he just didn’t want to leave…and that was saying a lot for him.
So we stopped, or more correctly, calmed down enough to start getting more ready for the parade. We march on and we had been telling Megan how she totally deserved the medal that she got. Our plan was to cheer as loud as possible when she went up. So we did. It was the best and Cote made himself proud with how loud he was cheering.
But before this, Chase had passed out. I mean, I heard something and looked and I thought it was Forrester at first because it looked like him, but it was Chase. I think Forrester was holding him up and that’s why it looked like he had passed out, then I saw Wah standing almost out of ranks and then it was bad. Chase went to the MIR tent and when I called him later, he said that he heard us cheering for Megan.
Then we did everything fir the final last time. I was proud to be a part of the parade, so because of this, I didn’t think too much on how I was leaving on a couple of hours.
When they played Amazing Grace with the P&D band, it was so good. I cried during this and I didn’t think I actually would...And I almost started crying when Megan went up to get her medal. Amazing Grace was amazing. I don’t know if I will ever hear that sound again and it will have the same affect on me. Then singing “Oh Canada” as loud as we can then “God save the Queen”, after learning most of the words simply be singing them over and over. And thinking about how the national anthem is almost like a prayer and it was amazing.
Then we did the final march pass and then we marched off. The march off was so cool because the officers held out their swords over top of our heads as we marched by. When we march off, the band plays “Blackbear” and three times during the song, we (the battalion) yells out “Oi!” We do it until we cannot hear the band anymore. That is probably the funniest part of the parade.
After we march off, we go to Sicily and wait for the final words of the CO. it is the best part of the pareade. On the way there, WO Schleppe called cadence then for the last time, CLI Rifle Coach called their cadence for the last time. It was amazing. When we called it, Natalie’s voice cracked, and she was like, “I’m gonna miss you guys.” Only, I didn’t hear that and it started most of the guys crying. It was so sad. It was heart breaking actually. It feels like your heart is staying with these people and it is, really.
We broke ranks and started saying good-bye. I saw Forrester crying and then what really tugged my heart was seeing Chase bawling. So I went up to all the guys that I wrote notes to, because in these notes, I asked if they wanted to be my brother. I asked Chase first, and gave him a hug. Then I can’t remember what happened next. I know I gave almost everyone a hug good-bye because I was scared that I wan’t going to get to see them after I had to sign out. I gave Wah a hug and he was bawling too.
Then we had to do a shoulder dressing and I was between Carson and Okatoks, when Natalie tapped on my shoulder and handed me her necklace: I lost it. The necklace was an angel that her grandpa gave her two days before he died at Christmas. Then I really started crying and I couldn’t stop. Carson was a little scared because he asked me if I was going to be okay and I didn’t answer. He put his arm around me. Okatoks kept looking at me asking me if I was going to be okay. Then he put his arm around me. After about ten minutes I looked at Natalie and she smiled and she wasn’t even crying. A few moments later, she taps me and says, “It’s because you touched my heart.” (I started crying harder and McLellen put his arm around me again.
Racquet was crying his eyes out and so was Shepley (he was the least likely to see after camp because he was going in to the PPCLI) and Falkner was trying not to cry but he started to. For some reason we had to move over by the band and was we were going, Amanda was called to go on her flight. It hurts my heart thinking about how Don was like, “Amanda, they called you.” And Amanda turning around and yelling out, “Sir!”.
So we moved and before Amanda was called, so was Shepley. And I gave everyone a hug again and Crackers because he was getting a PPU that night.
I was getting worried because I didn’t know when I was signing out and whether or not I was going to get to say good-bye again. So I went up to Schleppe and asked him but he didn’t know what to do. So I had to go and ask to officers that where getting the first serial ready to go. They didn’t know but I got to give Amanda, Shepley and Falkner another hug. I went with Schleppe to Coy-lines and somehow managed to run into Mom and Dad, but not before I saw Cossey and gave him a hug, he had been crying from saying good-bye to Rachel and some of his cadets.
When Schleppe was walking me to Coy-lines, he said, “Man, I’m gonna start crying now. I managed not to before.” I said, “It’s because Rifle Coach is amazing.”
I was still crying when we met Mom and Dad and they got to met Schleppe.
Questions--at school
22 May 2008
My God
21 May 2008
On the flip side, you have a yahoo who joins and once again, the Officers of the unit are like, this person is dumb. We will let them go through cadets normally. And this creates a problem, a big one. Because situations, learning experiences are missed, and not handled and that person, the amazing or bad cadet misses out.
I understand where the Officers from a unit come from, their reasoning for things. But like the rest of the world, politics ends up taking over. Now, call me dumb, but I honestly DO NOT understand politics. At all. I don't get the idea, the only thing that I can associate with it, is that dumb things happen when it walks in the room. So, you have cadets that is run by humans and they get political. And I don't even really know what that saying means, I just know that someone get jipped out of something and bad things happen when people start making changes that, THEY say is helping, or the right decisions. Well, welcome to behind the scenes, it's not. In fact, you just crushed that person, and you look like an idiot. And this is What happens in cadets. It doesn't happen all the time, but it happens enough, that when the same person makes the dumb decisions, cadets start to lose faith in their ability to lead properly.
Personally, I think that if there isn't anyone to fill a position or get something and meet the acquirement's, don't have it, don't put it in, don't do anything with it. If you do something and give someone who doesn't deserve it, the small 12 year-olds are looking at that and thinking, oh we don't have to have that, or do that or we are allowed to act that way, do that. And it's pretty much the opposite of the whole idea. Young people are very impressionable, therefore you have to be careful what you do in cadets. You have to be am example at all times. Because, basically we are teaching young children how to act normally and if you do it wrong, then you have a gigantic mess on your hands.
Now, I love cadets, I've said this before. The program is good, the people in the program can be not so good, and that is what you have to deal with. You have to learn how and it's not fun. But in the end, but the time you age out, you will have learnt a TON more then you would have if you just stayed home and watched TV. And like everything, there are problems, and somethings they are extreme, but you have to remember the important reason why you are in cadets. If it's good enough, then stay, if the problem is too big, then you have to choice of quiting.
Another big thing in cadets for me, is the friends I have made. They are the best, and I couldn't live without them. Friends are sometime the only reason why I stay in cadets.
So think about it. Cadets is a good program, but there are problems just like the world.
19 May 2008
Lead by Example
Self Confident
Strong Willed
Willing to be corrected
Just to name a few. Now the ones that some people that I know take to the EXTREME are Self Confident, knowledgeable, strong willed and NOT WILLING TO BE CORRECTED. To me, when you are a leader, and are very self confident, that is okay, but to be self confident to the point of ARROGANCE is too far. You do not need to be arrogant to be a good leader. Having confidants is fine, but when you make a couple of mistakes every three years, it shows the people you are leading that you are human!! Also if you make mistakes, you are not as harsh on other HUMANS who make mistakes. It is all about trying. Another one, lead by example. Okay, so I'm in cadets, I am a leader. The biggest thing I have going for me as a leader is that I try my best to LEAD BY EXAMPLE. I don't want to be arrogant, I want to be approachable when I make a mistake. But most of all, I don't want the people under me thinking that being a leader is only being Self Confident, Strong Willed and Not willing to be Corrected. Sometimes, I think, that some people get carried away and they PROMOTE this. Ahh! No! Don't! We don't want people coming out of cadets with the only life skill of being confident and not being about to lead by example. Do people know what I am talking about when I say lead by example? It means when you are tasking someone to do something, you should be helping in whatever you can, besides just giving direction. You should not be an idiot and think you are Super-Human. Cuz, the Lord has this wonderful way of making you not so Super-Human. And everyone around you enjoys a good laugh. It's true. I speak from experience...lol.
Anyway, this is my rant on leadership. Lead by Example. You will get further in life then just being Self Confident. Promise. Anyway, dont' get mad at me....lol. God Bless and have a good day!
13 May 2008
A Personal God
10 May 2008
My Title
But that's not what I was meaning. Has anyone heard the song, "Let it be"? You were letting a dream happen and you were letting the dream be, happen. That's what I meant by the title. I think it's a powerful message and it completely true. You should listen to the song, then you will understand what I'm saying. But, on the subjects of dreams, you are a little child, and you have this big, or even small fantasy of something you really, really want to do, when the time is just right, usually when you are just a little older. This is were parents come in. If their child trusts them enough (and they should) to tell his/her parent about this dream, the parents need to be CAREFUL in not hurting that child. Because as you all know, little kids have interesting dreams that they want to come true. And if a parent does it enough times, is callus to that child, then sooner or later, that child wont dream. This happens. And I think this song just kinda shows a hope in a child's dream.
But there is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with dreams. Even if they are wild. If the kid is young enough, they will learn to dream good dreams with the help of Godly parents, but if parents aren't too sure what to do with their kid who want to be a ninja cowboy and it's a girl, then there isn't any point in scolding the child for not understanding that it's not really possible. It all depends on the age of the child. But yeah, I'm not an expert on child raising, and I know I didn't cover everything on this subject. That's okay. I'm just thinking about it. I absolutely love little kids imagination. It is super funny and completely real to them. And they don't care what you think...lol.
08 May 2008
Welcome ;)
Yeah, I don't know, it just got me thinking about it. (Now I sound like Thomas....lol)
Anyway, welcome to my blog. Feel free to laugh, smile and love. This could be a pretty ramdon blog, just to warn you, and I have HORRIBLE grammer problems, so don't jugde...lol.
Anyway, enjoy.