13 October 2008

God Alone

Well, here I am again. And once again, I'm in the writing mood. Imagine that..lol Anyway, here are some things that I wanted to share with you.
My favourite Scripture in the Bible:
"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." ISAIAH 40:31
Something that I came up with:
God Alone
If you don't know, Ask
If you are scared, Hugs
If you are alone, Pray
If you are happy, Sing
If you love someone, Tell
If you are weak, Faith
If you are angry, Help
If you are discouraged, Smile
If you are smiling, Laugh
If you are sad, Cry
If you are all or one of these things, Go to God.
God Bless and remember someone loves you, no matter where are you, what you have done, how you have acted, or how you look.
A friend told me, one day, that you can only be you, you can't change you (your special personalities), you can only be you. You can't act like someone else, you can only do you best. You can only be you best, and no one else can be you.