24 April 2009


Pastor Dehod told us on Wednesday that he was going to say what ever comes to mind from now on...My thought was, I try that but only get into trouble. What am I doing wrong?
Anyway, my prolonged absence. I find myself thinking about how I write, and how I do not write amazingly, or provoke thought like some people do. I find that I write how I talk...this doesn't sit too well with me because sometime (only sometimes) I don't speak that well. I wish to improve, but at the same time, I like being honest..My dad tells me that I need to balance honesty with tact. It may take awhile.
Anyway. I graduate this year. :) I am excited. Unbelievably excited. I don't talk about how my ACR and prom are on the same day, but I am "pumped" for it. :) My mommy is making my dress, that I finally decided on. My cousin is doing my hair and I'm letting her decide what looks good because I'd never get my hair done. I'm pretty excited about every detail...it's crazy. :P
Anyway. On the topic of graduating, what to do after school?? OH NO!! This is the HUGE question that I do not have the answer to. If you do, please don't hesitate to let me know. BUT I do have some ideas.
a). City Police Officer
b). Military Police
c). Go into Criminology
d). Get Married (but there isn't any options, so that's not lookin too likely)
e). Professional Bum
You should let me know what you think. :) But honestly, I don't know...lol I know for sure that I'm not going to be an accountant, a banker, a bank robber, a dentist. But other then that, I'm not sure. It's been on my mind for, well actually ever since I enter High School, but now I actually have to either get a okay job for now or go to school. People always tell me that I have to start thinking about what I want to do and I tell them that I have. lol But then others will tell me that it's the hardest thing ever and right now is the toughest point in my life. Well, to me, it's feels pretty normal. :P To me, I just want what God wants me to do. I know that, that sounds pretty almost corny, but honestly, I don't have a clue what I am suppose to do, and to me, I could do absolutely anything. I don't have any major interests that could develop into a career.
Anyway that is my little deal now. Any advice, ideas, prayers would help. :)
Bye for now.
Love you all. <3


Anonymous said...

So as for tht blog it was pretty thoughtful(no pun intended). so ur worrie about wht to do in life, u know wht, i say if u have an idea follow it and go down tht path. if it changes and u like it or still dont know go with it. everyone says u have to go back to school or pick now. no u dont it took me about 1.5 yrs after grad to figure out wht i wanted to do and i still got a bunch of things on my mind tht i want to do before i get old, its ok to know wht not to do right out of high school,it happens to lots of us. working while u figure out the start of ur path is fine as well, i did it, my friends did it and we are now on our way to being successful, it takes time dont expect it right away. tak some time for urself,focus more on god if need be, hes ur light(i think tht wht he is to u) so us it, devote more time to him and the church til u figure something out. Heres a good piece of advice: "There are lots of paths to choose and lots of people to tell u wht to choose but we make ourselves so choose ur path accoiding to u and only u." and " A man (or women) is not judged by what he (or she) does in a situation but by the actions taken to end it" I dont know if any of this will help u or make things clearer for u or worse,lol but tht is just one person opinion tht has been in ur situation before in his life. :) and i think crimonology( it seems to fit ur noisy personality :P hehe jk but u still got time to think. -derek-

Jenna said...

Haha. Thanks. Food for thought.