03 October 2009

My country doesn't think we need,
Those who fought battles and won
A peacekeeping nation.
Yet they cry for action
When things go wrong,
Their faces filled with fear and indignation
They demand
Something be done.
"Don't they know we are in danger?"
They plea to a military
viewed as useless,
A military,
They forbid their sons and daughters to
Doug and Sylvia

London, England
Nova Scotia, Canada
The war wasn't confined.
The love wasn't prejudice.
06JUNE1944: D-Day
22AUG1946: Wedding Day
A nurse,
A soldier
Found love in war.

The Love
The twenty-eighth of April
In nineteen eight-four
The day that two people were
United by love and happiness
Parents wondered what would
Be the outcome for that day
Until they saw the love
That they were bonded with
Two children are the bloom of that love
Two lives have grown older
Becasue of that love
As the years go by
And they grow aged
That love is still there'
Still growing stronger.

Some writing... :)


The day looked on with anticipation.
The hopes and dreams
it seems to hold.
One gives freely of his will,
For on the morrow,
Everything will be better.
The morrow holds the keys to
Success or failure.
Is the stepping stone of life.
How can Tomorrow ever fail you?
The fail placed,
never wanes or is shaken.
For "There will be a tomorrow
and it would be better."

18 September 2009

Once in a while...

Well, I am alive. I apparently don't have this whole blog every week down, and most likely never will. Oh well. Blogs can be that way I guess. Anyway. My writing has gone down hill since grade 11, which is when I decided to write a blog. I'm hoping a buddy of mine can help get my creativeness flowing agian. :) Until then, my oh so faithful readers will have to suffer through my writing. I'vve been wanting to start writing poems again, but never seem to have time. as per usual. But anyway, I didn't come on here to rant and complain about my lack of time in a day or my lack of blog posts.
I guess I'd like to say (for all to read in black and white) Thank you God. I am a veryyyyy slow learner when it comes to god trying to change me, and realizing just how perfect He organized and planned things in my life. I love God. and am in consistant reminder how good, big, perfect He is. Keeps me from getting too mad at other people who are just like me. Not perfect. yay!.
ANYWAY. God taught me an important lesson recently, which I'm sure most everyone else in the world has learnt, but like I said, I'm a slow learner. I had...this...situation that I needed patience in. Very badly. (Yes, patience was apart of what I learnt, but not my focus) I needed to give this situation over to God. And over the course of three weeks of this sitaution, God showed me that when I need to overcome something in my life, the best thing I can do, is keep giving it over to God. No matter how often a day I had to just give it back to God, no matter how I just wanted to do it my way and not let God do it His way, no matter how tired I got of giving it back to Him, I have to give it to Him. He was always there to take it (even though I had done that about 200 times) and to give me strenght to leave it in His hands.
Like I said, most people who live for God have already learnt this and can do it great, but I am young and I and dumb and it takes me a while to learn things. So all I can say is: Thank God, He is God. :)
God Bless.

15 June 2009


Hullo! Well, grad is in eight days, ACR is over and exams are not. Oh no! I'm going to say something that every person around my age thinks about school, graduation and growing up.
1). School is overrated for all the wrong reasons and not recognized for the right ones. But like life, it teaches lesson that need to be learnt. I often think that I would've liked to remained home schooled simply because the influence of the world is not the best thing, and especially at that young of an age.
2). Graduation is also overrated, but slightly better. I think the pride of success is important to that young adult...it is one of the biggest things a person can proudly obtain. :) Although, I'm not sure just how I'm going to be able to survive the bordom leading up to it. Haha texting, notes...random singing should help! haha
3). Growing up...ha. ha. ha. And as life as it, theytryandcramasnmuchgrowingupinaspossible!!! Didn't understand that? Well that's how I understand growing up! Too fast, doesn't make sense and takes a while to figure out!! Well I don't think I'll ever figure it out...so that is why God is merciful because people like me don't catch on the first or eighth millionth time and he allows us to keep trying and trying and trying.
The good news is that while I can't get the hang of life, God is working and bringing people to church and showing that He still knows what's going on!
Anyway, any tips on growing up would help..considering I'm not quite reaching the level that I need. :)
Thanks and
God Bless

24 April 2009


Pastor Dehod told us on Wednesday that he was going to say what ever comes to mind from now on...My thought was, I try that but only get into trouble. What am I doing wrong?
Anyway, my prolonged absence. I find myself thinking about how I write, and how I do not write amazingly, or provoke thought like some people do. I find that I write how I talk...this doesn't sit too well with me because sometime (only sometimes) I don't speak that well. I wish to improve, but at the same time, I like being honest..My dad tells me that I need to balance honesty with tact. It may take awhile.
Anyway. I graduate this year. :) I am excited. Unbelievably excited. I don't talk about how my ACR and prom are on the same day, but I am "pumped" for it. :) My mommy is making my dress, that I finally decided on. My cousin is doing my hair and I'm letting her decide what looks good because I'd never get my hair done. I'm pretty excited about every detail...it's crazy. :P
Anyway. On the topic of graduating, what to do after school?? OH NO!! This is the HUGE question that I do not have the answer to. If you do, please don't hesitate to let me know. BUT I do have some ideas.
a). City Police Officer
b). Military Police
c). Go into Criminology
d). Get Married (but there isn't any options, so that's not lookin too likely)
e). Professional Bum
You should let me know what you think. :) But honestly, I don't know...lol I know for sure that I'm not going to be an accountant, a banker, a bank robber, a dentist. But other then that, I'm not sure. It's been on my mind for, well actually ever since I enter High School, but now I actually have to either get a okay job for now or go to school. People always tell me that I have to start thinking about what I want to do and I tell them that I have. lol But then others will tell me that it's the hardest thing ever and right now is the toughest point in my life. Well, to me, it's feels pretty normal. :P To me, I just want what God wants me to do. I know that, that sounds pretty almost corny, but honestly, I don't have a clue what I am suppose to do, and to me, I could do absolutely anything. I don't have any major interests that could develop into a career.
Anyway that is my little deal now. Any advice, ideas, prayers would help. :)
Bye for now.
Love you all. <3