1. Link the person that tagged you.
2. Mention the rules on your own blog
3. List 6 unspectacular things about you or your group.
4. Taggify 6 other blogger
So someone was brilliant and came up with this....nice. Anyway, my wonderful mother. yay moms!...oh, I mean, my wonderful mother tagged me with this...
Anyway, six things about me? What if I can't count that high?? I'll try but don't expect too much.
1). My motto is "open mouth, insert foot" I like to follow this diligently because I believe that practice makes perfect....haha
2). I am left handed and ambidextrous
3). I got my car before my licence, paid off my car in just over a year, and got into a car accident within a month of me driving by myself. (oh dear) And I drove in Calgary by myself within six months of having my licence.
4). I've never been on a date, am one of the few girls in the world who doesn't want to wear make up, and was home schooled for eight years
5). I want to become a Police Officer
6). I am very stubbo--wait, you already know that. sigh. I love singing with all my heart, but can't carry a tune to save my life, the song Amazing Grace played by bagpipes brings me to tears, I stand at attention any time singing "Oh Canada" and I actually SING it.
And I tag Jenn P, Gary F, Rachel P (seeing as she still hasn't done this yet.), and I don't know any other bloggers that haven't done this. Sorry....not lol
Anyway, have a good day, smile, laugh, pray, sing, dance, and...and.....go for a run!
Getting choked up over Amazing Grace played on the bagpipes only proves you are half Scottish. You lucky girl!
Lol..I am the same way. It symbolizes something in Vernon. Ask Jenna what it means!
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